Clinical Pastoral Education Online
Premier Certification Classes
Our Clinical Theology Institute will give you the tools you need so that you can help others in the ministry of chaplaincy and pastoral counseling. We want to empower you with a meaningful and valuable experience in Clinical Pastoral Education so that you can become Certified through our credible online school. There is no college degree required to participate.
Online Application Process
Chaplain Endorsement
This is a professional Chaplain endorsement and application process. You must be a standing member of a Christian Church and have a job as a Chaplain or serve as a volunteer Chaplain.
No degree no problem!
No Membership Fees
Work at your own pace. Assigned readings with workbook. Book not included
Online Clinical Pastoral Education
Chaplain Programs
The student will explore the diverse world of chaplaincy, calling and practice by using clinical theology as its foundation. The National Board of Examiners in Clinical Theology will review all completed work. You can only take one unit at a time, in order.
Please Note: We do not transfer CPE Units from other organizations.
We have Two Options
The National Association of Clinical Theology is a Christian online program that uses biblical teachings.
Certified Chaplain Assistant
You must take the first two units. Each unit takes 12 weeks to complete the class work, The program will focus on the basics to become a professional Christian Chaplain. The program will tech you how to apply practical experience in Clinical Pastoral Care.
If you have a degree!
Certified Chaplain in Clinical Theology
You must take all four units of CPE, pass the board review to take to be approved to take the board exam. The test will be held at a State certified proctored location.
The advanced classes (units 3 and 4) will take 12-weeks each of intense studies in Clinical Theology and practice
All classes will require reading and writing assignments with area hospital visitations .​
Each Unit counts as 400 hours. CPE Unit are broke down by Reading and Class Assignments:
100 hours- Hospital Visitation: 300 hours.
We do not use deconstruction
and decovertion methods
Chaplain Supervisor Programs
Our Chaplain Supervisor Training takes a leadership approach to Christian ministry in the mission of chaplaincy
We have two Supervisor Opportunities
The National Association of Clinical Theology is a Christian online program that uses biblical teachings.
Certified Supervisor
Online Training
You complete four units of CPE by taking the class and passing the board review
Certified Residency Supervisor
Brick and Mortar
You must have all four CPE units through Clinical Theology and pass the board review and written exam
Platinum Standard
Board Certified Clinical Chaplain
Coming Soon!
Hospital Residency
The CT residency program is a brick and mortar experience that requires physical face to face attendance with a Professional Clinical Supervisor at a Joint Commission accredited hospital
This program specializes in forensic and psychiatric chaplaincy
Clinical Theology Institute
The National Association of Clinical Theology is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization.
We have created an online program through our Clinical Theology Intitue for those who have a passion to make a positive difference in people's lives. Our school is a faith-based Christ-centered program. We provide certified classes in Spiritual Care for students who want to experience personal growth.